Another September.
Another school year.
Welcome back, you are a junior now, which means that you are halfway through it. And, taking into account the fact that you’ve managed to survive fairly well so far, it should be a pretty easy ride until the finish line from now on.
There was something to be happy about in the new school year, though. Max had an amazing idea over the summer, and now he just needed a way to bring it to life. And preferably soon. For once, he was eager to «actually do something» as his father would say.
Well, okay, to be fair, it wasn’t just his idea. Max was the first one to think about it, but one person doesn’t make a team, so he needed others. Aaron was the right person for the job. That lucky bastard graduated last year and was still living in Derry, which was probably a disappointment for this family but was a perfect chance for Max to get him into his plan.
And that plan was simple. Max wanted to start a band.
Yeah, okay, maybe it wasn’t the best idea he’s ever had, but it was definitely worth a try. Aaron is a great singer. Max has been playing the guitar since he was little. He knows that he probably couldn’t make it on his own, which is why he needed others. And two people - that’s not a band and also not a recipe for success.
Although The Carpenters probably would not agree.
Aaron was enthusiastic about this new thing and even brought Max some lyrics at the beginning of the summer. Another reason they can work well together - lyrics were never his strong part, while Keat was great at it. And, on the other hand, his friend had issues coming up with melodies and writing music, which was Kepler’s strong suit.
And so it was decided. They needed just one more thing - one more person. And Max was lucky enough to have the perfect candidate in mind.
He’s been texting Ethan nonstop for the past three days. No replay. With any other person, Max would have gotten extremely agitated by now, but Ethan was different. His asshole stepfather probably smashed his phone once again.
So the only option left for Max was waiting. Wood is going to reappear soon enough, he was sure of that.
His first two periods were very boring - US History and Stats. Both AP, but unlike lately everybody else in his class, Max wasn’t there to get extra credit for college. If it wasn’t for his parents, he wouldn’t even be in any of the advanced classes. And it wasn’t like he was a star student anyway.
He had some friends in those classes, which made things easier. Max spent the break catching up with Annie, who spend her whole summer with her grandparents on a ranch in Wyoming. Jake and Steve - his two neighbors whom Max had known since they were five - were in his Starts class too.
- Hey, - Jake tapped him on the shoulder in the middle of the class, reaching forward and speaking quietly so that Mr. Marrow wouldn’t hear him. - You wanna go out for lunch? - one of the perks of being a junior now - they were allowed to have lunch off-campus. Provided that they were back in time for class.
- Nah, - shrugged Max. - I want to pick up some books from the library.
- Books? From the library? - he heard a stifled laugh from his friend. - Who are you and what have you done to the real Max?
- Oh, shut up, - hissed Max at Jake, somewhat trying to focus on what Mr. Marrow was saying about their final exam. - Miss Fleming said we need some old textbooks for our history essay this term. I want to get one that doesn’t have literal blood, spear, tears and who knows what else on it.
Max wasn’t the one who tried hard but also didn’t want to fail a class and have to retake it next semester. If his plan about a band were a become a reality, he needed all the free time he could get.
Making his way down to the library, he managed to catch up with a few other people. One nice thing about being back in school - he had an opportunity to talk to people he actually liked.
Managing to beat the crowd to the library, he got the textbook Miss Fleming specified and headed to the caf to grab some lunch. The food here wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t great either. One more reason to have lunch off-campus.
Another friend waved at him from the side of the cafeteria, becoming him closer. Another benefit of being friendly with almost everyone - Max always had company for lunch.
- Hey Sara, - smile Max, sitting down next to the blonde girl and setting his tray down. - Wow, Em, you look great, - he nodded at a girl across the table from him, who now had bright pink hair.
- That’s Jacob, - Sara nodded at the last member of their lunch group. - He’s new.
- Hey, - he smiled again, - I’m Max. Well, technically William, but nobody calls me that.
It was at this very moment that he felt something change.
Almost like a lightbulb turning on in a dark room, something inside him changed completely. A cold wave traveled up his back, causing him to stir uncomfortably in his seat. Sara was saying something about the tryouts, but Max couldn’t quite focus on her voice, as if there was something else blocking it, going directly to his head.
He needed to look around.
Wait… Why?
This thought, even though it was rather local, felt almost foreign inside his head. Not really knowing what we were looking for, Max started to look around, trying to find the source of this weird feeling. Nothing - all around him were just familiar faces of his classmates. Upperclassmen occupied most of the tables in the middle, laughing and eating their lunches. Farther behind, Max saw a few unfamiliar faces. They looked younger, so they were probably just freshmen. The first day of High School must be exciting for them.
And that’s when he saw him.
Another unfamiliar guy sitting pretty far away and looking directly at him. Max tried to remember if he knew him - no recollection. For some reason, when he looked directly at this stranger, it was almost like something inside him shifted. Like they were one and the same, while everybody else was different.
- Max?.. - Sara snapped her fingers in front of his face, causing him to focus and come back to reality. - What’s wrong?
- I… - just as fast as it appeared, the feeling was now gone. - Yeah, sorry, I got distracted. Thought I saw someone I knew there, - he nodded towards the part of the cafeteria, where we saw the guy.
- Looks like a bunch of freshmen, - shrugged Em. - Maybe we can get some of them into the audition for the play. Mister Newman really wants to get some of the new kids involved, cause so many of us are graduating this year.
And so everything went back to normal as if nothing ever happened. Max glanced at the table where he saw that kid, but he was gone.
[nick]Max Kepler[/nick][status]shut up and dance[/status][icon][/icon][lzname]<lzname><a href="">Макс Кеплер</a>, 18</lzname> <plashka>сияющий, iv</plashka>[/lzname][]Дерри: пока что очередной старшеклассник, но через пару лет будет смотреть с постера на стене какой-нибудь симпатичной девчонки[/]